Lost in Wonderland has been one of the most exciting shows to work on; a magical production for all involved.
When we decided to produce ‘LOST IN WONDERLAND’, our aim was to devise a piece that would give a vast range of opportunities to all the cast. With so many different characters, it has been such fun to watch the story unfold.
Through a series of workshops with the students, we devised many of the scenes and characters for the show. This was a wonderful new experience for many of the cast members, as they were all involved with the creation of the show; they all had a huge impact on the final production.
LOST IN WONDERLAND is not your conventional tale of Alice. However, has Stage One ever been conventional?
So, with this wacky tale set on Halloween night, Alice is drawn back into wonderland where things are not quite the same!
Will she save the lost Children?
Or will it be “off with their heads’?
Will the Prince marry his real love?
Will Alice save the day?
Along the way, some of your favourite Fairy Tale characters will be met at this spooky time of year.

November 2012
November 2012
Vanessa Smullen
‘Wow! What a performance! Amazing show! So well done! Thank you and thank you to Tony, Rebecca, Shelley and all the many people who helped put on such a fantastic show! A huge well done to all your amazingly talented students! The amount of work and effort they have put in is astonishing! My Mum and Dad said it was as good as any West End show that they have seen!!! Well done to everyone involved as 'Lost in Wonderland' is amazing! Can't wait to see it again’!!I'
November 2012
Kim Falwshaw
‘Thanks for a fantastic show yesterday afternoon, we thoroughly enjoyed it. All the hard work definitely paid off’.
November 2012
Julie Eccles
...amazing as ever loved it!