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Stage One Terms & Conditions


Anybody entering Stage One, or applying to become a member of Stage One, is bound by the school Terms and Conditions, and may only do so subject to and upon this basis. The activities of the company are of a physical nature, and whether participating in Stage One activities, or using the studios or equipment for any activities whatsoever, the company accepts no liability for any physical injury, loss or damage to persons, or for loss of property occurring on the premises whether occasioned by negligence or howsoever or otherwise arising. 




It is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian to complete the registration form in full, with all relevant details, and sign the relevant section of the application form to signify that they have read and understood all the rules and regulations before any classes are attended. It is also the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian to notify Stage One of any changes i.e. address, telephone number, medical conditions and any change of circumstances.  




It is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian to deliver and collect children from inside Stage One on time. Every effort will be made to ensure no child will be allowed out of the building until collected by their Parent/Guardian. If you arrange for a relative or friend to collect your child, staff must be informed in writing. Parents/Guardians should collect their children from the reception area, and will not be allowed access to the studios while classes are in progress, except in the case of an arranged viewing or emergency. In agreeing for your child to attend Stage One classes in performing arts, appropriate physical guidance and correction is sometimes required within exercises, performances and training. Please advise of any emotional or physical conditions that may prevent full inclusion into the school curriculum, in order for Stage One staff to discuss any additional support. 


All teachers and staff are DBS checked 




Often photos are taken either in rehearsals or at production time. These photos are used for show programs and publicity. We reserve the right to use any individual or group photographs or video footage for press or promotional purposes. If, for any reason, you do not wish your child to be in any of these, please inform us. 




Fees are paid per term in advance. All fees must be the start of each term. Students will not be able to take part in classes if fees have not been paid.

A late payment fee of £20 will be charged on any fees not paid by Week 3 of any new term. 

Our £5 termly admin fee is already included within the fees listed above.

We must be notified six weeks in advance if you wish to terminate your place at Stage One. This must be given in writing or via email. 


Please make cheques payable to Stage One Dance UK Ltd. 




Students are entered in classes according to their ability and age. It is at the total discretion of teachers as to which class/classes are suitable. They will be advised by the teachers as to when they should move up to another class. 




Punctuality is of the utmost importance. Students are asked to arrive 15 minutes before the start of their class in order to minimise disruption to teaching staff and other students. Students may be barred from entering the class if they arrive more than 15 minutes late. 


No food, drink or gum to be taken into the studios. 

All mobile telephones are to be turned off in class. If you are waiting for an important call, please leave your phone in reception. 


While at Stage One, we expect students to be on their best behaviour; both during classes and in rehearsals. Parents/Guardians and students must be aware of all the health and safety rules at any of the venues used by Stage One. These rules must be followed at all times. Stage One students are expected to treat all Stage One members of staff and chaperones with respect. Stage One will not tolerate offensive, rude or aggressive behaviour or remarks. The Principal and teachers reserve the right to refuse to accept students into any class and may request the removal of students at any time. The use of foul and/or abusive language and bad behaviour will not be tolerated. If a student is jeopardising the safety of a class or stopping other students from learning or enjoying their class, the teacher may ask the disruptive child to leave the class. Inappropriate behaviour from a student or parent such as bullying, abuse or harassment will result in expulsion. 


Stage One will not be held responsible for theft or damage to personal property in and around any of our venues 


Allergies and illness 


It is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian to make sure that Stage One staff members are aware of any allergies that your child may have. This includes Asthma. Asthma pumps should be with the child at all times. 

Medicine cannot be given by the school. 

Please do not bring your child to class unless they have been clear for at least 24 hours, so we do not pass anything on to other children or staff members. 




Students must attend all classes/rehearsals in full Stage One uniform (please see uniform page).




The director’s decision is final. Stage One will not enter any discussions with third parties regarding casting. 




All parents who wish to chaperone in any performances MUST be CRB checked, and hold a chaperone license. This can be done by contacting your local authority. 




It is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian that we have the correct contact details for you, including your email address. In the event of any changes, you must inform the office. We reserve the right to make changes to the rules and regulations. You will be notified via email. 


Signing the relevant section of the registration form signifies that you have read and understood all of the Terms and Conditions. 


This policy covers the website operated by Stage One Limited through

We comply with data protection legislation such as the Data Protection Act 1998. This regulates the processing of personal data relating to you and grants you various rights in respect of your personal data. We’d like to reassure you that any personal data you give us will be treated in complete confidence. 

The aim of this statement is to tell you how we use any personal data we collect about you through our websites. Please read it carefully before you proceed. 


You do not have to give us any personal data in order to use our websites. 

However, by registering with us, you agree that we may process the data below for the purposes outlined in our Privacy Policy. 

Parents and students 

If you wish to enrol a student with Stage One Theatre School, we will collect the following personal data: parent or guardian’s name; contact and address details; relationship to the student; emergency contact numbers; name, age, gender and date of birth of student; and any medical conditions the student has. If the student is over 16 years of age, please ensure that you have their permission to share these details with us. 


Stage One will, from time to time, take photographs and film footage of students during class time for use in Stage One marketing and publicity material (both online and offline). If you do not wish for your child to be photographed/filmed, please let the school Principal know in writing. 

Online payments made to Stage One are processed securely by PayPal, Santander or GoCardless and the information you provide is communicated in a strongly-encrypted format between PayPal, Santander or GoCardless and your bank or credit card company.  Stage One does not directly collect, process or store financial information. 



If you wish to apply to become a teacher with Stage One, we will collect your name, contact details and information contained in your CV in order to make this information available to the Principal for recruitment purposes. If you provide details of a reference, it is your responsibility to make sure that the person is aware that you have forwarded his/her details for these purposes. If you are taken on by the Principal, we will also keep details of your DBS certificate reference number and date of issue and any training qualifications. 

Other individuals 

If you wish to contact us for other purposes, we ask for your contact details so we can respond to your queries. 

Sensitive personal data 

The Data Protection Act gives special protection to sensitive personal data which will include information relating to health or sex life, race or ethnic origin, political beliefs or membership, philosophical or religious beliefs, trade union membership and information about the commission of offences and related proceedings. You should only provide this information if it is required in response to a mandatory question on our websites, or if you are otherwise content for us to process this information 




The information we collect allows us to: 

Locate and put you in touch with the school.

Process your request to become a teacher.

Provide teaching services in singing, dance and drama and the organisation of performances.

Administer our websites and provide customer services.

Meet legal, regulatory and compliance requirements including the administration of Stage One’s statutory obligations relating to children.

Communicate with you.

Send you surveys and competitions & provide you with information about our products and services which may be of interest to you from time to time including holiday workshops and productions.

We may employ the services of a third party to help us in certain areas, such as website hosting, support and maintenance, and child protection issues. In some cases, the third party may receive your information. However, at all times, we will control and be responsible for the use of your information.

We may also disclose your personal data when we believe this is required by law, to enforce or comply our terms and conditions or to protect the rights, property, safety of Stage One, our customers or others.


From time to time, Stage One may wish to provide you with information about 'Stage One’ products and services (including online targeted advertising, post, phone, email and text), which may be of interest to you.

If you do not wish to receive such information, please let us know


Our websites may contain links to other third party websites over which we have no control. We are not responsible for privacy policies or practices of any websites to which you choose to link from our site. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of those other web sites so you can understand how they collect, use and share your information.



We have implemented reasonable technical and organisational measures designed to secure your personal data from accidental loss and from unauthorised access, use, alteration or disclosure. However, the Internet is an open system and we cannot guarantee that unauthorised third parties will never be able to defeat those measures or use your personal data for improper purposes.



You are entitled to see the information held about you. You may review, correct, update or change your personal data at any time.

If you have any other questions about this policy or your personal data, please contact us on


Changes to our privacy policy

If our privacy policy changes in any way, we will place an updated version on the website. Regularly reviewing this page ensures that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances, if any, we will share it with other parties.

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