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Kids Pantomime Auditions

This Christmas at Zinc Arts Ongar


We are looking for enthusiastic, hard working and committed young performers to join the cast. Age 7 - 18yrs


Ensemble Auditions 17th - 18th - 19th

Dancing/Singing auditions will be held over the above weekend.

9am-11am: Ensemble Dancing/Singing ages 7-10yrs

11am-1pm: Ensemble Dancing/Singing ages 11+

 Please arrive at least 15 mins before start time in appropriate clothing and bring water.

Acting Auditions

Auditions for speaking parts will be held in September.

Acting audition dates and audition pieces will be sent out nearer the time.


Parents will need to complete a Registration form on arrival and MUST stay on premises during the audition. There is a cafe for Parents to wait in.

Please note that children must be strong in Dance, Singing & Performance.

Please apply using the application below


Running Order of Audition Day

8:45am - 7-10 yr applicants arrive at Zinc and sign in. 

9:00am - Children are taken into Theatre to learn a dance choreographed by Stage One choreographer.

Parents to complete paperwork given on the day.

10:00am - Children will perform dance as a group to choreographer and director.

10:15am -  Audition panel will lead some singing exercises with children to see their vocal range and style. 

10:45am -  11+yr applicants will arrive at Zinc

11:00am - Younger Children will finish and sign out.

 11 yr+ applicants will be taken into the theatre to learn a dance choreographed by Stage One choreographer.

Parents of 11 yr + applicants to complete paper work given on day. 

12:00pm - Children will perform dance as a group to tutors and director. 

12:15pmTutors will lead some singing exercises with children to see their vocal range and style.

1:00pm - 11 yr+ applicants will finish and sign out. 


Outcomes of auditions will be sent via email

Auditions Rules and Regulations

On completion of the form below you agree to the following :


  • Parents will remain on site during the whole of their childs audition.

  • Children will attend in clothing appropriate for dance, any child who is not in appropriate attire may be unable to audition for health and safety reasons.

  • Children must have their hair tied back and not be wearing jewellery. 

  • Parents are not allowed into the theatre whilst auditions are in progress.

  • Parents must complete in full all forms given on the day.

  • Videos/photos may be taken to help the audition process. Should any parents have concerns/queries around this please contact a member of staff. 

Once the application below is completed children will be automatically registered for their audition and will be expected on the 14th July for their appropriate age group. 


The Cast

There will be 2/3 ensemble casts of approx. 10/15 children who will appear in 5 -10 shows each.

Shows will take place on weekends and between Christmas and the New Year 

All cast members will be required to attend ALL rehearsal and performance dates.

If you would like to register for an audition please read the audition rules and regulations above and complete the form below.

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